Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Takemikaduchi 95bcd5fa56 rebuild with gcc-5.4.0 il y a 8 ans
  inagaki 46b2b49af2 2015-02-09 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@toki.waseda.jp> il y a 9 ans
  inagaki f2111ba59c update: akonadi, automoc4, herqq, ibus-qt, kdebase-runtime, libqzeitgeist, phonon, PyQt4, qca2, qca-ossl, qt4, qt-assistant-adp, qscintilla, qtsoap, uim il y a 13 ans
  inagaki c4ca68dacf updated: qt, qt4, PyQt4, avogadro, phonon, qca-ossl, qca2, qoauth, scim-bridge and uim il y a 13 ans
  inagaki 802b06f5f4 NEW: qca-ossl, qoauth il y a 14 ans